For The Wall Street Journal:
A visit to Barbiecon and the superfans who are “so proud of our girl”
The Coney Island Runway by Violette Franchi
The Indonesian village making viral YouTube videos by Putu Sayoga
For BuzzFeed News:
The 10 images that shaped the careers of Sarah Meister, JiaJia Fei, and Alessia Glaviano
Student loan relief changed lives for millions of Americans. What will they lose when it ends?
What will 2021 look like? We asked 10 industry leaders for their predictions
For The New York Times:
How Mamadi Doumbouya got so big
A photographer who is at home in the zoo
Behind the cover of @nytmag’s issue on siblings and sperm donors
Christopher Payne spent two years documenting The Daily Miracle
Interviewing nine older New Yorkers who love their jobs
A very stable genius and the bananas world of competitive chess
The wild business of creative dog grooming
Can bike polo go legit?
An elite, unsanctioned road race for superwomen
The magazine cover that broke the internet before that was a thing
I stayed up for 24 hours straight with the photographer Wayne Lawrence and nearly lost my mind
Comics for Choice and documenting abortion through comics
India's holiest river achieves personhood - will that be enough to clean it up?
In New York, fighting city hall for the right to counsel
A short audio piece with an opera singer in a choir robe
A quick blurb on how I ended up in grad school
Finding running in my twenties
A Latino Superhero who fights ICE for justice
The consequences of the closure of the Indian Point Power Plants
New York's only wild animal hospital cares for a lot of pigeons, while upstate volunteers help salamanders cross the road
Living surrounded by clothes & ghosts
My friends eat nothing but bagels as I chronicle the meals of others